Wednesday, September 8, 2010


KUSTOM'S TOP 9 AIRSTRIKE ENTRIES from Kustom Airstrike on Vimeo.

How do you get a grasp of a manoeuvre that only a handful of people in the world understand the mechanics of? Innovation features new methods, advanced and original, which was the key focus of the Airstrike. So the moves below have been chosen because in some way or another, they feature elements that are methodically advanced and original. It ain't so much about the style or the size as it is the degrees of rotation, the angle, or the never-been-done-before factor.

When will hi-fi surfing hit its limit? Will it hit its limit? Boundaries continue to be pushed, and moves that were previously deemed near-impossible more and more often become part of a young gun's staples. Maybe there is no limit for surfing, and room for growth is just as expansive as the next big thing's imagination and determination. – Elliot Struck - Stab Mag

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